Before validating your order and proceeding to payment, you can enter a promotional code in the "Advantage Code" section of your basket. Your offer may not be applicable in certain cases, we invite you to check in the mentions if :
- The offer is applicable to the items in your basket
You are already benefiting from an offer that cannot be combined
The offer is valid on the website or in shop only
The date of use of your offer has expired
We also offer a loyalty program which corresponds to :
- A "birthday" offer: 8€ from 40€ purchase
A "welcome" offer: 10€ from 50€ purchase
A seduction bonus: 10€ as soon as your heart balance reaches 250 hearts
If you benefit from a Seduction Bonus, it will not be visible in the "My advantages" section of your account. You just have to check the box "Benefit from my seduction asset" when validating your order.
These offers are only valid if you are connected to your customer account.
Related articles :
- What are the advantages of a loyalty card?