When you wish to order on our site, two options are possible:
Order by creating an account on our website or by logging in - via your email address and password - if you already have an account with us.
Order without creating an account.
The creation of your account on our site allows you to find the history of your orders and to make you benefit from our loyalty program.
If you do not wish to join our loyalty program, you can order without creating an account.
In both cases, you will have to fill in all the information relative to the treatment of your order, namely
- Your identity,
- Your date of birth
- Your delivery method (in store, at home or in a relay point),
- Your email, postal and telephone details necessary for delivery and follow-up,
- Your billing address if it is different from the delivery address. In the absence of a billing address, we will use the delivery address as the billing address.
- Your payment information, namely, the information relating to your credit card or means of payment via Paypal, Google Pay or gift card in accordance with the mentions below relating to payment;
- Confirmation of your order with a click.
Please note that we will communicate with you by email and SMS to confirm your order and track its delivery. We may also send you a satisfaction form.
All data collected during your order may be kept for the duration of the contractual relationship, then during the period of legal limitation which is 5 years. For more information on how RougeGorge Lingerie treats your personal data, please consult our Privacy Policy.